Free Transit Tour Korea without Visa

Hello guys,

Now I’m writing this blog at Incheon Airport while still waiting Free Transit Tour program.
I just passed the Immigration for South Korea without Visa. (FYI, mine is Indonesian passport).
If you have transit time less than 24 hours, you can join free transit tour program in Incheon Airport or just strolling around by yourself. You need to keep your previous boarding passes and next boarding passes. You also need to be eligible to enter your next destination.  If  you have US visa/ Canada visa, it would be easier. Free transit tour program has vary schedule time. You might want to check in Book what fits to your transit time.

After you landed, go to “free transit tour” booth before immigration in your terminal (available in terminal 1 and 2). You will meet nice staff that will give you information about their program, and also they will provide you immigration card. Next step is to go to immigration place, go down to first floor to fill out custom declaration paper. After that near gate number 3, check on left side if there is a  booth named “free transit tour korea”. Then provide your passport with your previous and next boarding passes.

So I’m writing this because I want to share, if you travel to other countries and have less than 24 hours transit in South Korea. You might want to join their free transit tour program.

Ga perlu apply visa transit Korea, kalau kalian cuma transit di Korea kurang dari 24 jam, ada visa dan boarding pass untuk negara selanjutnya. Boarding pass sebelumnya juga perlu dilampirkan. Aku cuma bisa pastiin kalau kalian ada US atau Canada visa dan itu menjadi negara tujuan, pasti bisa lewat imigrasi tanpa ada visa. Cuma share aja ya, karena sekarang saya baru aja lewat dan mau ikutan program transit tour nya, lumayan kok :)




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